Sunday, 31 January 2010


This relationship just got serious...
We're now working together for the first part of this year.
Lots of flyers.
Lots of posters.
Lots of fun.

Wednesday, 13 January 2010

New Book Preview (kinda)

I'm currently working on a new book based on mine and friend's childhood memories. The image above is the cover for it which will be a wrap-around, making the left side the back cover and the right side the front cover. Theres no text on it as I haven't totally decided what to call it yet. The book itself will comprise of lists of peoples youthful recollections of their happiness, fears, families, pets and toys of that time. Each one having its own illustration. I have a few more details to iron out on it but its coming along. Updates on this as they happen.
P.s. To whoever reads this, please free to chip in some of your own fond or unfond memories!

Dark Party #2

Heres another flyer for Luton's super-crew Dark Party.
I was asked to do this at very short notice, I had about an evening to design it, make it and send it off. Don't think it came out too bad considering.

Tuesday, 12 January 2010

Cocker Springer Sussex

I come from a family thats about 50% humans and 50% spaniels. For the human half this christmas I drew them some spaniels. Above is the proof.

I didn't draw any humans for the spaniels.
Maybe next year.

Wednesday, 6 January 2010


You know its bad when there's snow on the flamingo

Monday, 4 January 2010

Christmas Sell Out

Hello then 2010.
Heres some pictures of a finished copy of the OIB Christmas ep. I think we ended up making about 100. A lot effort but we sold all of them which was awesome and had a good party with some of the bands who had tracks on the cd playing. The whole thing was the Hornblower Brother's drummer Anthony's idea, footage of them playing their track from the cd has been youtubed.

Thanks to all who helped out and contributed.
Same time next year yeah?